Wood Post Lay-Down Fence Clip


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Our most popular Steel T-Post Lay-Down Fence Clips & Installation Tool



Its ease of installation, durability, strength and ease of

maintenance make it a real winner.

The stretch-through design of all our clips with all types of wires

 is the best feature.


Stretching is a snap. With our clip system an existing fence can be stretched up

 to 1/4 mile or farther depending on conditions. Forget the removing staples

 or tie-wire (on steel posts) to stretch conventional fences.

Steel T-Posts can now be used in snow areas too where winter

 snow loads push the posts into the ground or bends them when the wire is

 left attached to the post in the winter.  In winter pasture areas with no animals

 the fence can simply be laid down in the fall and put back up in the

 spring with a lot less hassle, maintenance, repair and ease of stretching.

 This feature alone will pay for the clips in labor in just a few seasons

 and give you time for other farming responsibilities or leisure time.


Steel T-Posts are normally less expensive, have a longer life

 and are easier to install again saving money and time.


The Steel Post Lay-down clip is several times stronger than

the tie-wire method and in most cases the wire will break before the clip.


We have found that the wire will break or the T-Post will bend before the clip will fail.

Many times an occasional straightening of the clip is all that is required if bent. 

If it does get damaged, replacement is a snap!


Another thing we have noticed is that where the clips have the stretch-through

 feature wire breakage is reduced because the wire has the whole length to move and stretch if necessary.

Where the tie-wire method limits the movement allowed and breaks are more frequent.


And like all our other Lay-Down Clips it can be use with our

 Super -Heavy Insulator for all types of electric fencing needs.


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